Research & Poster Presentation
Colorado State University, Fort Collins Co. 2009
Developed, ran, and analyzed data related to mixed letter anagrams after being primed and then distracted. Data was then presented to the research faculty and graduate students of the university. Answered questions on the nature of my study, its limitations and outcomes. Covered future studies that would further the findings. This study was done under the supervision of Dr. Nick Soderstrom and Dr. Clegg.
Research & Poster Presentation
Colorado State University, Fort Collins Co. 2009
A research study was proposed as part of the course requirements for the Social-Psychology Lab, and in conjunction with two other students. The topic was Terror Management Theory. The study was covered with the instructor, supervising faculty, and students. It was conducted under the supervision of Dr. Lindsey Harkabus-Fast and Dr. Jennifer Harman. Presented informed consent and debriefing materials related to the study.
Research Assistant - Social-Psychology Laboratory
Colorado State University, Fort Collins Co. 2009
Assisted in running studies on neural pathway activation using galvanic skin response. This was done utilizing a series of images and words. Presented informed consent, and debriefing materials realted to the study.
Research Assistant - Counseling Psychology Laboratory
Colorado State University, Fort Collins Co. 2009
Transcribed interviews, developed lab system backup-protocols. Trains new lab RA's on voice transcription and developed voice transcription protocols. Multiple graduate students participated in this study which was funded by the National Science Foundation Grant for Women in Engineering project run by Dr. Silvia Canetto.